Monday, February 7, 2022

Paxton Threatens To Investigate GoFundMe After Trucker Convoy Funds Frozen


Texas’ Attorney General threatened an investigation Saturday of GoFundMe, the crowdsourcing website, after it froze funding donated by Texans for the Canadian truckers convoy. The Nationwide protest has gridlocked the nation's capital, Ottawa, demanding an end to vaccine mandates.

“Patriotic Texans donated to Canadian truckers’ worthy cause using GoFundMe,” Attorney General Ken Paxton wrote on Twitter. “This BLM-backing company went woke, froze the funds, & failed to deliver Texans’ money. Today, I assembled a team to investigate their potential fraud & deception. Texas donors will get Justice!”

After further threats from other states, GoFundMe relented, refunding all donations.

Like Paxton, other critics pointed out that other groups are still allowed on GoFundMe’s site, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, which was linked to a string of violent riots in cities around the country in 2020.

“If only the truckers looted and burned down businesses in Ottawa, rather than lawfully protest a draconian mandate,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas. “Then [GoFundMe] would have no problem with people sending them donations.”

(Full story HERE
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